Feeling stuck in a job? Consider a career change

Being stuck in a job you dislike is daunting, but it does not have to be a reality. Many jobs have skills applicable in various fields, and a career change may be more feasible than you think.

Read ahead to learn how you can apply your skills and knowledge across alternative careers in different business fields and make that career switch you’ve been dreaming of.


Business analyst

Business analysts implement and improve business processes to help reach company goals. They analyze current business processes and identify weaknesses, potential areas for growth and cost-cutting strategies.

Accountants can easily transition into this role with their experience in financial analysis and reporting. A background in accounting is useful for business analysts who must consider the past, present and future state of a business’s finances. They can also apply their analytic and problem-solving skills to business processes outside of finance, such as technology or recruitment.

Financial reporter

As the name suggests, financial reporters write articles about the financial industry locally, nationally or internationally. They report for several media platforms, such as print or broadcast.

Accountants already have a solid working knowledge of their local financial landscape, so making this career switch will be pretty seamless. Just keep in mind that you’ll have to keep up with current news to consistently produce new stories. Education in journalism is beneficial, so accountants may consider enrolling in some continuing education courses or a full program before switching careers. 



An actuary helps clients minimize financial risk by evaluating and reporting on the uncertainty of investments, insurance policies and other similar ventures. A strong background in mathematics is required to properly analyze data and provide solid consultations.

Financial risk analysis is still directly related to finance, so those with a finance background looking to become an actuary might find their skills easily transferable.

Credit analyst

Similarly to actuaries, credit analysts evaluate financial risk by focusing on their clients’ credit histories to predict future behaviour. With this knowledge, they can consult clients and advise appropriate courses of action to support clients in reaching their financial goals.

Finance-related experience is relevant for this position as proficiencies in mathematics and financial software usage are required.

Human resources (HR)

Career counsellor

Career counsellors help guide their clients down the right professional path. Career counsellors assist clients with their professional journeys, including finding their first job or making a mid-career switch.

HR professionals often have lots of experience in recruiting and hiring, so they know what employers look for in applicants. HR knowledge can benefit clients who need help applying for a job, including resume writing and interview tips.  

Wellness manager

A wellness manager often works with individual clients or fitness centres, but they can also be employed by businesses to improve employee well-being. Wellness managers are responsible for designing and implementing policies and programs to improve the overall well-being of the individuals under their care. They must also continue researching, developing and enhancing these policies and programs to ensure they remain effective. HR professionals already have experience maintaining good relations between employees and facilitating healthy work environments, so their skills easily apply to a wellness manager’s responsibilities.


Recruitment manager

Recruitment managers are responsible for an organization’s recruitment process. They develop hiring strategies, advertise job listings, find qualified candidates, and conduct interviews and onboarding. They constantly evaluate and improve a company’s recruitment process whenever possible.

Recruitment managers need strong advertising and acquisition skills to attract potential candidates for an open position. Communication and negotiation skills are essential for this role, so a background in marketing will be beneficial.

Relationship manager

A relationship manager is responsible for creating and improving relationships between other businesses and clients. They maintain positive relationships between parties and uphold a business’ reputation.

Marketing professionals already have strong relationship-building skills to connect with clients, making them a good fit for this role. Their marketing experience and strong promotional skills will enable them to successfully improve client perceptions of a business.

Starting in one role does not mean you will be stuck there for the rest of your professional life. Career changes are possible, even in fields that seem more restricted. Continue to research alternative career options to see where your skills and experience may apply.

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